Friday, October 16, 2009

Hi! My name is Jordan. This is my first time participating in Kelly's Korner - Show us your life. But I have been following it for a few months now. I love to sew and make things so when I saw that this week is "Show us what you make" I was really excited!

When I was pregnant with my first child my mom made me a few baby blankets for him and I loved them right away. So did many of my friends, so I learned how to make them so that I could give them to my friends. As my kids have grown, I have found other "talents" that I have in making things that they have decided they need. I have put some pictures up of things that I make. I can make them in any material that you want so that they match what you are going for.

If you are interested in any of the things that I make, you can e-mail me at I hope you enjoy looking at what I make.

Baby Blankets:
My baby blankets are made with 1 yard of fabric. I use two different fabrics (one for the front and one for the back) and I put 100 percent cotton batting inside. They have a soft ribbon edge sewn on using yarn and little yarn knots throughout the midde to hold the batting in place. On a side note, my kids are getting older now, and they still love their blankets. They use them at nap time everyday. They are a great size to snuggle up with.


I love to cook and my kids love to help me cook. I could not find aprons to fit them, nor could I find boys aprons, so I made them. These are just a few samples of aprons that I have made. I can do matching mommy/ daughter aprons as wall as teenager aprons. I kids have a few that they use not only for cooking with me but also for playing in their play kitchen.

My daughter also decided one day that her dollie needed an apron, so I made a few for her to wear. She loves that her dollie can cook in the kitchen with her.

Nap Mat Covers:

When my son started pre-school they told me that I had to get him a napmat. So I did, but I could not find a cover for it. I decided that I'd made it for him. This way he was able to pick out what he wanted. Here are three that I have made. I put ties at the end so that the nap mat wouldn't sneak out while he was "napping."

Useful Bags:

I don't know about you, but my kids have all kinds of little things laying around the house that are sets. Well, I got tired of them loosing parts and being scattered around, so I started to make drawstring bags for them. Since they are drawstring they are easy for the kids to use, but keep the items inside. I can make all different sizes, depending on what needs to be contained.

Other fun bags:

When my daughter started dance class, I found that I needed a small, yet cute bag for her to carry her shoes in. I made this bag of two different materials and it's just the right size for her tap and ballet shoes. Plus, bonus it holds her street shoes and clothes while she is in class!

Play Kitchen Accessories:

When we got the play kitchen, we wanted it to be just like momma's. We couldn't find small towels that didn't over power the kitchen AND that didn't cost an arm and a leg, so we made smaller towels for her to use. My son wanted in on the action as well, so he got a set of pots and pans with utensils, but we needed a place to store them. We came up with a clever idea that is listed below. This way, he has his set together and can be stored easily.

Play picnic blanket:

We needed a picnic blanket for all of the tea parties that go on at our house, so we made this cute blanket with napkins. We keep all of the picnic items in a small basket, so we also made a matching cover for the basket so that the items wouldn't get dusty. The pink case at the bottom right of the picture is to hold her "silverware."

Doll Accessories:

Once we got into the dolls, we found that a lot of the accessories were expensive and looked cheap. So we made our own. We have pillows for the dolls, as well as matching blankets (to the pillows and my daughters blankets). We have cozy blankets, for those cold nights, and swaddling blankets.

Barrett holders:

I could not find a barrett holder that I liked and that matched my daughter's room. So I made this one for her. It has come in very handy and holds all of her many barretts.

On a side note:

My cousin made this doll that looks just like my daughter. She made the entire doll including shoes, clothes, and body. Her arms and legs move. She painted on the face and I think it is so cute (not scary like some homemade dolls can be). I love this doll and so does my daughter.

So, there it is. This is all of the things that I make. I did not list prices because I don't know if anyone will be interested. Like I said at the top of the page, if you are interested in anything that I make, e-mail me and we can discuss pricing.

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